What is STUDY ABROAD in Belarus?

Studying abroad in Belarus is a great experience in life for every international student who has studied in Belarus or intends to study in Belarus. Its all about a new European cultural world exploration and making new friends for different cultures and societies.

In fact, studying abroad is a project that gives international students the opportunity to achieve their higher educational goals outside of their homeland with a lot of amazing academic and non-academic experiences.

After studying abroad in Belarus, one comes back to his or her homeland with huge exposure and finds themselves different from others in mental capabilities and knowledge.

Why study abroad in Belarus?

Anyone from any country who has a desire to study abroad in Europe must think once again of Belarus because:

1: Belarus is situated in the heart of Europe, and international students earn a European degree recognized by worldwide institutions.

2: The visa process is very easy as compared to other European countries.

3: Free merit system.

4: For the majority of Asian, African, and Arab countries nationals, a visa is issued upon arrival.

5: The Belarusian higher education system does not require the TOEFL, IELTS, or any language test or exam.

6: Affordable fee range as compared to other European countries.

7: There is no advance fee deposit until one arrives to study abroad in Belarus.

Belarus has been welcoming international students to its universities and colleges for many years. In 2022, there were around 300,000 full-time undergraduate students in higher education, of whom over 2000 were international students.

On our study abroad admission network, there are people who will support you through the application process, answer any queries you may have, and help you during your time studying in Belarus.

A program of social and cultural events is normally held at most institutions to help international students settle in and make friends. There is also a range of clubs and societies you can join to get involved in the student communities and meet new people.

The Belarusian higher education system is renowned for its academic excellence, where the quality and standard of undergraduate courses are guaranteed through the work of various official bodies.

As well as meeting strict academic criteria, universities and colleges in Belarus will motivate and encourage you to perform well in your chosen courses and help you reach your full potential.

Many institutions have international open days, international offices, international student clubs and societies, planned social events, and advisers and counselors to help support you during your time as an undergraduate in Belarus.

Each year, more and more international students from over 180 different countries are choosing to pursue their higher education in Belarus.

Higher education institutions in Belarus offer a broad range of courses. Therefore, you are sure to find one that caters to your interests and career goals.

Belarus is full of many different cultures and people, which is another reason why international students are interested in coming to study here. With its big cities, rural towns and villages, and modern and historical architecture, Belarus is a diverse and exciting place to explore.

International Students Presence in Belarus

There is a huge presence in Belarus of international students from all over the world, and among them are also Afghan nationals who come to Belarus to study different medical and engineering courses as well as language courses.

In Belarus, there are also many international students who come from Bahrain and study their different degree programs in the fields of engineering and medicine at state engineering and medical universities in different cities.

Indian international students have a huge presence in Belarus, especially at medical universities, and many Indian foreign students come to study engineering courses.

Indian international students also join language courses at state universities and colleges.

Iranian international students every year come to Belarus to study dentistry and general medicine courses, and they have a huge presence at all state medical universities, especially at Belarusian State Medical University in Minsk.

Iranian international students study a Russian language course in their first year before starting their dentistry or medicine degree programs.

Iraqi nationals have always been taking medical courses in Belarus at state medical institutes, and they start their studies after completing a Russian language course. Iraqi nationals also have a good presence in Belarus.

There is also a good presence of Israeli nationals in Belarus at state colleges and universities, where they mostly join medical courses.

International students from Jordan also come to study their medical and engineering courses at state universities located in major cities in Belarus, and these international students from Jordan, in their first year, study a Russian language course for 10 months.

From Kuwait, a good number of international students depart for different countries every year, and Belarus also welcomes many international students from Kuwait at its state colleges and universities.

Lebanese international students have a good presence in Belarus and are studying different medical courses. Lebanese international students follow the simple admission process in order to be admitted to Belarus at state universities and colleges.

International students from the Maldives have a small presence in Belarus studying abroad for their medical courses, as the Maldives is a low-populated country in Asia.

Nepalese international students depart for their study abroad plans every year in good numbers, and they also come to Belarus to study abroad, but in low numbers.

North Korean international students do not have a huge presence in Belarus studying abroad, but hopefully, in the future, their numbers will be high.

From Oman, a few international students join medical courses in Belarus.

Palestine is a country among those from which a good number of international students come to Belarus and join medical courses at state medical universities.

Belarus always welcomes international students from Palestine at its state universities.

From Qatar, every year international students depart for European study abroad destinations, and these foreign students from Qatar also come to Belarus to study abroad every year at medical and engineering universities.

From Saudi Arabia, a good number of foreign students travel abroad every year, and many of these international students from Saudi Arabia come to Belarus to study general medicine and other courses.

South Korean international students have started coming to Belarus now for their medical and engineering education.

Syrian international students mostly come to Belarus from other countries where they reside due to the crisis in Syria, and every year, a few of these Syrian international students join their study abroad courses in Belarus.

Turkish international students love to study abroad, and many of these Turkish international students come to Belarus every year to study different courses abroad.

Most Turkish international students join a Russian language course their first year in Belarus.

Residents of the United Arab Emirates travel abroad every year for higher education, and Belarus also welcomes a good number of United Arab Emirates residents at its state universities.

Yemeni nationals rarely travel to study abroad, so there are very few Yemeni nationals studying medical courses in Belarus.

Algerian international students always search for a study abroad destination for their academic goals, and they often choose Belarus due to its high quality education and an affordable tuition fee.

Angolan international students every year depart for their study abroad plans to Europe, and most of them join their educational programs in Belarus, as they have a huge plus of an on-arrival visa for Belarus instead of any embassy attendance.

Benin is a French-speaking country, and international students from Benin also like to study abroad in Europe, and they arrive in small numbers to Belarus and join their desired courses.

International students from Botswana also like to study abroad, and they search for a qualitative educational destination. For this reason, they finally choose Belarus as their study abroad destination, where the tuition fee for them is affordable with even on-arrival visa facilities.

Burundi nationals rarely travel abroad to study their desired courses, and many of them join study abroad courses in Belarus.

Cameroonian international students are the ones who like to study abroad for their academic needs.

Cameroonian international students mostly choose Belarus for their study abroad plans, and they join state universities in good numbers.

Cameroonian international students also enjoy a huge plus while coming to Belarus for their higher education: they are issued a Belarus visa on arrival at Minsk International Airport for 110 dollars.

International students from Comoros come to Belarus in such small numbers that they do not have a huge presence at state universities and colleges.

Congo is one of the prominent African countries from which Congolese international students depart for Europe for their higher education. Belarus also welcomes a huge number of Congolese international students to its state colleges and universities every year.

Congolese foreign students also have the facility to obtain a Belarus on-arrival visa, which is pasted in their travel passports at Minsk International Airport.

Congolese international students study a Russian language course for the first year in Belarus, as Congo is a French-speaking country.

International students from Ivory Coast every year travel to Europe for their higher education, and a good part of these international students from Ivory Coast come to Belarus for their medical and engineering courses.

International students from Ivory Coast also have on-arrival Belarus visa facilities.

Egyptian international students are among those international students who travel to Belarus from Egypt every year for their study abroad plans.

Eritrean international students also travel to Belarus from Eritrea every year in small numbers and study their different educational programs.

Eritrean international students are also issued a Belarus visa on arrival at Minsk Airport.

International students from Swaziland also travel abroad for their educational plans, and they often join study abroad degree courses in Belarus.

These foreign students from Swaziland obtain their Belarus student visas on arrival at Minsk International Airport.

Ethiopian international students always travel abroad for their different educational courses, and they normally choose Belarus as their study abroad destination in Europe.

Ethiopian international students are also issued Belarus study visas at Minsk Airport on arrival.

Gabon is a French-speaking country, and international students from Gabon travel to study abroad every year to other countries in Europe. Belarus also admits these Gabon nationals every year in small numbers.

Gambian international students every year depart for Europe in order to earn a European degree for their career, and these Gambian international students also come to Belarus for their higher education.

International students from Gambia have the advantage of Belarus on-arrival visas without any embassy attendance.

Guinean international students also travel to Europe every year for their different degree courses, and they mostly choose Belarus as their study abroad destination due to its quality education and low tuition fees for foreign students.

Guinean international students depart from Conakry to Minsk with a study invitation and OK TO BOARD for departure and are issued Belarus visas at Minsk International Airport.

Ghanaian international students travel in the largest numbers after Nigeria to other European countries for study abroad purposes.

In Belarus, there are a huge number of Ghanaian international students who study medicine and other courses abroad at different state universities.

International Ghanaian students who choose Belarus as their study abroad country enjoy the benefits of on-arrival Belarusian visas and travel from Accra to Minsk with an admission letter from the migration department and OK TO BOARD.

International students from Kenya also come to Belarus every year to study their different degree courses, and they have a good presence at state universities.

Liberian international students are welcomed warmly in Belarus once they choose Belarus as their study abroad destination.

Liberian international students do not attend the Belarusian Embassy for their visa processing, as these international students from Liberia are issued Belarus visas on arrival at Minsk Airport.

Libyan international students also consider Belarus mostly for their study abroad purposes, and Belarus welcomes these Libyan international students.

Namibian international students always have a great wish to study abroad in European countries, and they find Belarus their best study abroad place because of its quality education and friendly atmosphere.

The tuition fee is also affordable in Belarus for international students, and these Namibian international students also obtain their Belarus visas on arrival.

International Nigerian students are always in the highest numbers among all African international students who travel abroad for study purposes, and these international Nigerian students choose mostly Belarus for their study abroad purposes.

Nigerian international students are accepted warmly in Belarus, as they are always considered the most brilliant international students among all African international students.

Nigerian international students obtain their Belarus visas from the Belarus Embassy in Abuja, and visa requirements for Nigerian international students are very simple.

After the issuance of a Belarus visa, these Nigerian international students depart from Lagos to Minsk through any airline.

Nigerian international students also depart for Belarus, from Abuja International Airport to Minsk Airport in Belarus.

Rwandan international students also have a normal presence in Belarus, as these Rwandan foreign students choose Belarus due to the many benefits of their study abroad programs.

International Rwandan students also obtain their Belarus visas on arrival.

Senegalese international students very rarely travel abroad for higher education due to the poor economic conditions in Senegal at present, so Belarus also rarely accepts Senegalese international students.

International students from Sierra Leon have always been studying abroad in different European countries, and Belarus is one of those European countries.

International students from Sierra Leon do not need to attend the Belarus Embassy for visa processing, as they are issued on-arrival study visas at Minsk International Airport.

South African foreign students are always in great numbers studying abroad, and Belarus also admits every year South African foreign students to its state universities to study different courses.

South African youth always love to study abroad and search for an affordable study abroad place in Europe.

Sudanese international students also depart for Europe every year for their educational needs, and they come to Belarus too.

Belarus welcomes Sudanese international students at its state universities for different medical courses and also at engineering universities.

Belarusian visas for Sudanese international students are issued at Minsk International Airport.

Even though Tanzania does not have a strong economy, Tanzanian youth love to travel abroad for higher education, and rarely do they come to Belarus for their degree courses.

Admission requirements for Tanzanian international students are the same as for other African foreign students.

Tanzanian international students obtain their Belarus student visas at Minsk International Airport.

Togolese international students are always studying in Belarus at different universities, even if not in great numbers.

Togo is a French-speaking country, so Togolese international students join a Russian language course for the first year in Belarus.

Belarus visas for Togolese international students are issued on arrival at Minsk Airport.

Tunisian international students always like to study abroad, and they often join different medical and engineering courses at state universities in Belarus.

Ugandan international students have always studied in different European countries, and Belarus also admits Ugandan international students for educational programs.

Belarusian visas for Ugandan international students are issued on arrival.

Zambia is a very prominent country in Africa, from where a huge number of Zambian international students travel abroad every year for study purposes, and Zambian international students also come to Belarus for high education.

Zambian international students mostly study general medicine courses and even some other degree programs in Belarus.

Belarusian admission requirements for Zambian international students are the same as for other African international students.

Belarusian visas for Zambian foreign students are issued on arrival at Minsk Airport.

Zimbabwean international students have always traveled abroad for their higher education, and they also come to Belarus every year in small numbers to study nursing and general medicine programs at state medical colleges and universities.

Belarusian visas for Zimbabwean international students are issued once they land at Minsk International Airport.

From Austria, international students travel to other countries to study abroad, and a few of them also join study abroad programs in Belarus at state universities.

Like Austria, international students from Belgium depart for other countries and join their desired study abroad courses abroad.

Belarus also welcomes international students from Belgium who want to join their study abroad medical courses in Belarus.

Danish nationals also love to study abroad, and they come to Belarus to study different medical and engineering degree programs.

From Finland, Belarus receives international students who study at state medical universities, and some join engineering universities too.

French international students also take admissions abroad for different medical courses, and they also join their general medicine and nursing courses in Belarus.

From Germany, every year, many foreign students leave for Belarus and join universities for their study abroad courses, and Belarus welcomes these international students from Germany.

Greek nationals also travel abroad for their academic needs, and these Greek international students also join different courses in Belarus.

Iceland is also a European country from which international students depart for Belarus and join medical courses at state medical universities.

Ireland is one of the most popular countries from which international students every year depart for Belarus and join their engineering, medical, and business courses.

Italian people also love to study abroad in other countries, and they are welcomed warmly in Belarus at state universities, where they join desired study abroad courses.

From Holland, foreign students travel to Belarus to study their medical and engineering courses abroad at state universities.

Norway is also a popular country, from which foreign students arrive in Belarus every year in small numbers to study abroad their desired engineering, medical, and arts courses.

Portugal is also a European country from which international students every year depart for Belarus and join different study abroad courses.

Spanish international students also come to Belarus to study their medical and engineering courses abroad at state universities.

Swiss international students are always warmly welcomed in Belarus who come for their higher education.

Sweden is also a Scandinavian country, and few foreign students join study abroad programs abroad in Belarus.

The United Kingdom is the most popular country in the world, where a huge number of medical and engineering international students travel abroad to study different courses, and Belarus also receives a good number of international students from the United Kingdom at its universities.

So if you are considering studying abroad, we assure you that Belarus is the best destination in all respects.

Interested foreign students may contact us for their 2024–2025 admissions through the following contact details:

PH,WhatsApp: +380506742243



Junkung Gaye

June 6, 2020 at 1:47 pm

Want to study In belarus


    June 19, 2020 at 3:22 pm

    Please contact us by whatsapp or Email for your admission process


    MANGUILLA Houronda Merveille Naomi

    January 17, 2021 at 9:40 pm

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